My fine art journey began in the summer of 2020 when I discovered the crypto art community. Up until then, my experience was limited to illustration and product design. When I came across NFTs, I was intrigued by the emergence of an alternative art market that was accessible to anyone around the world regardless of background or geography, and this inspired me to explore new forms of creative expression beyond the commercial.
Drawing inspiration from my own experiences and the people around me, my art captures a fraction of the inner workings, motivations, and expressions of humanity as I see them. I find the human psyche to be infinitely fascinating, and my work is about condensing my observations into visual form using a unique blend of magic realism and expressionism. My creative process is sometimes enhanced by experimentation with XR technology, which allows me to add an extra dimension to my work and infuse it with a playful and experimental element.
It never ends; the taming of your mind. As soon as it finally breaks into submission, it transforms itself and look- ! It’s a whole other animal to figure out. Welcome to your eternal damnation.
This is an Augmented Reality art piece. To view the AR effect, visit here.
10 editions.

There’s so much to see and so much to do in this world.
So many things to learn!
Over here - science.
Over there - art.
Ooh, and technology!
Not to mention history, and literature, and people - how they work, what makes them tick, what makes them deceitful and lovely and complicated and wanting, and it’s so beautiful to observe them and listen to them and if I take this feeling and put it here and add this colour and play with this gadget I found and move it over there and- …body? Hello? Body? Why aren’t you moving? Oh please, don’t do this to me again. There’s so much to DO, come ON!
10 editions. For more information about this piece, visit here.

Hands. They reach, stretch towards her to grab, pull, push, and shove. They make demands, redirect her path, pull her in different directions. Or they simply hold her in place, frozen and unmoving.
But not anymore. The witch is in control now.
This is an Augmented Reality art piece. To view the AR effect, visit here.
SOLD. May be available for offers on the secondary market.

It's the fate of all humans to be their own worst enemy, and to inflict on themselves their greatest burdens. A grudge, a regret, a perceived need.
They all carry a rain cloud or two above their own heads, unaware that if they would just let go, they would see the skies above them and realise that life is beautiful.

Hemlock is a witch's plant. A poisonous weed, it is resilient and persistent and grows where it wishes. Its most famous victim was Socrates, whose execution was carried out by drinking a cup of brewed Hemlock. Then he waited, surrounded by his friends, for the poison to reach his heart. As we walk around in nature, this innocuous-looking, ordinary plant is everywhere around us, but we don't notice it. Meanwhile, it has the power to derail dreams, ambitions and precious life.
SOLD. May be available for offers on the secondary market.
A collaboration between 22 members of the Women of Crypto Art to create the full Major Arcana, this Tarot deck is fully functional on the Async Art platform and gives a new reading every 24 hours at midnight UTC.
My card, the Star, is about balance, equilibrium, and being grounded. The Star has one leg in the water, and she pours water into it from a jug, symbolising the nurturing of her spirituality and inner strength. The other leg is on dry land, where she also pours out water, symbolising the nurturing of her practibal abilities and strengths.
SOLD. May be available for offers on the secondary market.

The ever-reaching hands of death follow us all our lives. For the unlucky, they grasp our limbs too soon and grapple us while we kick and scream. For the lucky, their touch feels sweet and warm, like the embrace of a long-awaited friend, ready to bring us rest.
This piece is a Guild collaboration between 15 artists for the Charged Particles platform, and is the launch piece to announce their nested NFT functionality. Pandora’s Box was tokenised as an NFT, and further NFTs of each of the contents of the box was nested within in it, meaning that the purchaser could have the experience of opening Pandora’s Box to get to the evils and hopes inside.

A tribute from the Guild to the Lunar Ox Year, 2021, which has been an important year for the NFT space. This piece is full of symbolism and love for what the NFT space has done for artists.
Master - available for offers here.
Goat layer - SOLD. May be available for offers on the secondary market.

A layer of a 33-person collaboration piece from The Guild based on The Night Watch by Rembrandt and published on Async Art, which allows the buyer of each layer of the artwork to change between several versions and affect the look of the whole.
Master - SOLD. May be available for offers on the secondary market.
Walled In layer - SOLD. May be available for offers on the secondary market.